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Extensions for LibreOffice

The extension for LibreOffice can be downloaded from the LibreOffice extension repository

Complete distribution

The complete distribution can be downloaded from SourceForge. The distribution is a zip-file containing the extensions, the command line application and documentation.

Beta test release

Writer2LaTeX 1.9.9 beta (june 2023, requires java 11 or later)

For a detailed list of changes since Writer2LaTeX 1.6, see the history or the change log.

Stable version

Writer2LaTeX1.6.1 (october 2018, requires java 8 or later)

For a detailed list of changes since Writer2LaTeX 1.4, see the history or the changelog.

Previous versions

Writer2LaTeX 1.6 (may 2018, requires java 8 or later)

Writer2LaTeX 1.4 (february 2015, requires Java 6 or later)

Writer2LaTeX 1.2.1 (september 2014, requires Java 5 or later)

Writer2LaTeX 1.0.2 (may 2010)

Writer2LaTeX 1.0.1 (march 2010)

Writer2LaTeX 1.0 (september 2009)

Writer2LaTeX including source (september 2008)