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Getting started


Step 1: Install a TeX distribution

Writer2LaTeX does not make a lot of sense without a working installation of TeX. If you haven’t already done so, install a TeX-distribution of your choice. Examples include:

Step 2: Java-support

Next you must verify, that LibreOffice is configured to use Java. In LibreOffice, open the menu item ToolsOptionsLibreOfficeAdvanced.

Ensure that the Use a Java Runtime Environment is checked and that the version number is at least 11.

Step 3: Install extension

Your next stop is the extension site for LibreOffice:


Download and install Writer2LaTeX like any other LibreOffice extension.

Step 4: Configure TeX and friends

Writer2LaTeX will install an additional toolbar in LibreOffice.


You can dock this toolbar whereever you want, and you can always hide or display it using the menu item ViewToolbarsWriter2LaTeX.

Before you start using Writer2LaTeX, you should configure the behavior of the TeX-button.

Open the configuration with the menu item ToolsOptionsWriter2LaTeXLaTeX settings. On this configuration page, you can decide how the TeX-button interacts with TeX and friends.


You options are

Except in the first case, you should also configure the interaction between Writer2LaTeX and your TeX distribution. It might work out of the box, but you are adviced to press the button Automatic configuration. Writer2LaTeX will try to configure all settings and displays a short report of the results. If everything is OK, you are good to go. Otherwise you might have to find each of the TeX apps manually (use the Browse-button).