

1 Introduction

2 Using the export filters

3 Using the command line utility

4 Configuration

5 Special features for the EPUB export

5.1 Meta data

5.2 Hidden hedings

6 The LaTeX package ooomath.sty

7 Using Writer2LaTeX from another application

8 Troubleshooting


5 Special features for the EPUB export

5.1 Meta data

Writer2xhtml always exports the title of the document, and also the subject, keywords and description if they are non-empty.

The EPUB standard specifies a number of meta data elements not supported by ODF. Writer2xhtml supports these elements using user-defined meta data. To add user-defined meta data choose File-Properties, User-defined properties. (The export filter includes a custom editor for these.) The following properties are supported:

You can only have one instance of the remaining properties, hence they cannot be numbered. Also no additional data can be appended to the name.